Since August of 2013, SENDAS has offered Continuing Education courses with the purpose of providing training to the pastors of the Mesoamerica Region. SENDAS has already offered four courses taught by highly trained professors as part of the vision to train with excellence the largest number of ministers possible.

From May 2 until June 6, 2014, the fourth course, “The Church Impacting the Community,” was offered with these pastors leading the trainings: Miles McPherson (Pastor of The Rock Church in San Diego, California), Ernesto Ferreira (Associate Pastor of the Central Church of the Nazarene in Campinas, Brazil), Marco Velasco (Associate Pastor of the Third Church of the Nazarene in Tuxtla, Mexico), Elias Betanzos (Pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, Center of Prayer and Proclamation in Oaxaca, Mexico), and Johnny Calvo (District Superintendent and Pastor of the San Pedro Church of the Nazarene in the North District of Costa Rica). Each of the presenters is pastoring a large church where social responsibility is a strong part of the ministry focus. They shared their strategies and vision with the regional pastors.


In the past, SENDAS’ continuing education courses used the Seminary Web program with Adobe Connect, but this most recent course used Video Conference and had the attendance of ___ educational centers in the Region and a total of _____ students all connected together simultaneously.

SENDAS is highly committed to continue training the largest number of pastors, with the highest level of excellence, in order to extend God’s Kingdom. Be looking for SENDAS’ next Continuing Education course for Pastors on the webpage ( and on our Facebook page (éricas/128332720517798).

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